Human blood plasma is used to produce life-saving drugs. This means help for thousands of people who depend on such drugs for their entire lives. Plasma and plasma products are also used daily in emergency medicine and for surgeries.
"It stings a little - but the consciousness of doing good is indescribable" "The best part-time job in the world" "My greatest gift - I help people to survive - a special feeling"
Find all information about your first donation here
You want to have the good feeling of saving lives and helping countless people? Then do it! As a thank you, you will receive a compensation 40 € for each donation.
Every beginning is exciting, we can understand this! It needs a little courage to let yourself be stung, but don't worry, your courage is worth it. Here you can find all details on how to become a plasma donor. And we warmly welcome you already!
Blood plasma makes up about 55% of our blood and consists of 91% water. It contains more than 120 different proteins that perform vital functions such as defence against infections or coagulation of blood in case of injuries.
The process by which the plasma is obtained is called plasmapheresis. While the plasma is collected, the donor gets his red and white blood cells and platelets back.